„I make room for acceptance and speak about the opportunities of cultural diversity.”

Even before I was allowed to learn the language of my new home Germany, a voice and an urge grew in me to express in words the escape to freedom. Sixteen years later a book was created – „My New Freedom: from Kabul across the Catwalk to Myself” – whose publication was both an accomplishment and a promise. The achievement of gaining an own voice and the promise to make the voices of people with similar experiences heard. As a speaker I can do this – in speeches, in workshops and in seminars. I create room for acceptance and speak about the opportunities of cultural diversity.


  • discover your entrepreneurial power
  • breaking through limits
  • being steadfast in difficult times
  • accepting challenges
  • living a common interest
  • refuting prejudice, avoiding misunderstanding
  • realizing integration
  • welcoming the refugee as colleague
  • accepting responsibility of executive management
  • leadership? yes! doing without feminity? no!
  • conquering the male domain as female entrepreneur
  • more success with female power in companies
  • learning secrets of strong women
